
Jul 07-
Sep 252020

Critical Links

Artists' Block Critique Group

Location: Humboldt and District Gallery

The motivation for this exhibition stems from the reason we formed our critique group: the desire to share ideas and draw inspiration from each other in order to grow as artists. Because most of us work independently, often in isolation, our monthly critique sessions have proven to be an invaluable and an essential part of our individual practices. This exhibition showcases this process. Our initial idea began working together in a common space, exploring and interpreting a single subject. As most of us are landscape painters, we have worked plein air from a specific location in the Humboldt area. During our multiple sessions, we sketched and painted our chosen landscape using a range of media, suited to each artist’s individual style and working process. Each artist had the option to develop more finished works from these initial sketches and studies, a process used by artists for centuries. In addition, we are showcasing some of the work that examines our individual artistic practices, compiled through the process of offering one another support and suggestions during our monthly critiques. This exhibition highlights our varied approaches and working styles, and has allowed us to expand our comfort zones by creating work within and for a common space.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -Artists' Block Critique Group-