Festival of Wreaths

We are pleased to announce that the 21st Annual Festival of Wreaths is going ahead! The silent auction fundraiser for the Friends of the Museum and Gallery will open on November 19 and run until December 10, 2020. We are now gratefully accepting donations for silent auction items from anyone who would like to contribute:

If you would like to donate a food item to the festival, please read through these recommendations for food preparation safety drafted in consultation with the Saskatchewan Health Authority:

1) Do not prepare any homemade food items if you or anyone in your household is ill.

2) It is recommended to wear a mask while preparing food items.

3) Wash your hands frequently.

4) Please do not donate any items like pumpkin pie, pudding, custard or any other baked item with a moist surface.

5) Purchased, packaged food items are safe to donate.

6) Home canned preserves are also safe to donate.