A city reveals its unique past through its historic buildings, but cultural heritage can also extend beyond bricks and mortar. Humboldt’s pre-1920 buildings and street signs are just a couple aspects of the downtown core that add to the City's history and collective memory. Join us in celebrating Humboldt’s past through discovering the City’s commemorative street signs and historic buildings. Each site embodies a story that we invite you to discover.
Through our research, we have pieced together a brief history of these sites based on their occupancy and use, rather than architectural revisions. It is not the complete story. History reveals itself each day through the memories of people who used these buildings and sites. If you have any stories about these historic landmarks, we would love to hear from you.
Here's how to get in touch: contact the Museum at 306-682-5226 or email us at humboldt.museum@sasktel.net
This research was completed in collaboration with the Humboldt Downtown Business Improvement Committee and the Department of Cultural Services.
Click on the links below to learn more about Humboldt's historic buildings and street signs:
Humboldt and District Museum Humboldt and District Gallery
Water Tower Humboldt's Historic Street Signs
Brickhouse Clothing Yuen's Family Clothing
Smart Energy Alternates Windsor Hotel
Courthouse and Land Titles building Uptown Barber Shop
Cutting Edge Flooring Railway Station
Fields Department Store Modern Meat